
Lubrication and Reassembly of the Declination Axis

EQ6 strip down guide header

Synta EQ6/Orion Atlas – Lubrication & Re-Assembling the Declination (DEC) Axis

This procedure will guide you in re-assembling the EQ6/Atlas Declination axis and follows on from the stripping down and cleaning guide HERE.

GENERAL NOTE: Very little of the mount assembly requires brute force on tightening down components. They need to be firm but not so tight the threads pop.
Generally a light touch is required rather than brute force. Remember this is a precision piece of engineering and many of the fittings are aluminium so threads
can be easily stripped and ruined. As with the strip down process if you hit problems STOP and THINK. If something won’t fit theres a reason.

NOTE ON LUBRICATION: When this guide was originally written the accepted wisdom was that white lithium grease was an overall good lubricant. However
it would appear that standard white lithium grease may cause problems under some extremes of damp/temperature. All of the mounts I have rebuilt have been
done with white lithium that is stable and often mixed with a synthetic like Teflon or PTFE. It is best to consult the manufacturer on the quality of the product.
I find TF2 White Lithium grease with Teflon to work well.

Also I have seen questions asked about the density of grease used in packing the bearings. The grease should be forced into the bearings and should
provide good all round lubrication. You don’t need to pack the bearings solidly with grease.

Stage 4 – Re-assembling the Worm Carrier
Stage 5 – Re-assembling the Declination Axis